It’s time to stop feeling that your childless existence is invalid

As you know, being unable to have a child if you want to is a devastating experience. One that has you questioning who you are, where you belong, and your purpose in life.

I know being childless, not by choice, isn't a one-way ticket to a lonely, empty, unfulfilled existence.

If I asked you, what's the one thing holding you back from exploring what that fulfilling life might look like? What would you say?

When talking with fellow childless women, I often hear about a lack of confidence in yourself and your body that shows up as shame whenever someone asks the dreaded question: ‘so, do you have kids?’

Maybe you don't know who you are or what you like anymore after a journey to childlessness that was all-consuming and grief-filled. As a result, you feel a lack of presence in your relationships, like an outsider in your own life and that your passion has fizzled out.

Or, you don't believe that happiness and joy are even options due to repeated disappointments and setbacks. You don't see your experience mirrored in those around you, so you can't see your way through perceived failures to a fulfilled life.

Whatever your reason is, it's stopped you from feeling that your childless existence is valid. It's got you backed into a corner and stopped you from feeling like life has possibilities.

It's trapped your potential, feasted on your insecurities, and left you in the dark.

I want to help you step out of that dark place of disconnection and lack of self-confidence and into the light of coming home to yourself and your body. I want to help you trust yourself so you can step out into the world feeling like you have choices, that you matter, and that you deserve happiness.

Introducing the FREE Self-Paced

Self-Compassion Course

During five sessions, you'll learn the hows, and why's of embodied self-compassion as a path back to yourself.

The you who…

… feels confident to make new friends.

… is proud to talk with old friends about the exciting aspects of your life without feeling that your life is a consolation prize.

… feels inspired to go to Antarctica, take up the Tango, or rescue a third dog.

… is curious to uncover the inner fire that has been buried, bring it out into the world and wave it around like a sparkler.

You will:

  • Build a fierce, compassionate foundation that inspires curiosity, lightness and exploration.

  • Learn how to listen to your body and increase your self-confidence.

  • Amplify trust in yourself and see that ripple into your life.

You deserve this.

​ ​Click here to learn more and sign up (pssst: it's free and self-paced!)

To your reclamation,

Sarah Jane


Yoga + Grief Day Retreat April 2023


Reclaim the Holidays: a childless woman’s perspective pt. 3