The Blog
Reflections & resources for the childless not by choice community
Living a Childless Life: Acceptance Pt. 2
What does it mean to face the reality of living a childless life?
Does it mean you must accept you will be sad forever?
Does it mean you must accept being treated as less than because you aren't a mother?
Does it mean you must accept not having holidays off work so your colleagues can spend that time with their children?
It’s time to stop feeling that your childless existence is invalid
I want to help you step out of that dark place of disconnection and lack of self-confidence and into the light of coming home to yourself and your body. I want to help you trust yourself so you can step out into the world feeling like you have choices, that you matter, and that you deserve happiness.
What is Self-Compassion and How Can it Help Childless Women?
My journey to being childless deeply affected my self-confidence, my relationship with my body and how I felt about myself. Self-compassion practice has been foundational in building myself back up.